Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Tribute to Tuesday

Tuesday is kind of a nothing day, if you think about it. I mean, what happens on Tuesday? Sure, it turns up in Sheryl Crow songs and the occasional band name, but other than that, Tuesday really gets no respect. That's why I decided to take this oft-forgotten day and give it a special purpose, a higher calling, if you will. I am designating it Shopping Tuesday. I know it may not sound fancy, but there is no day of the week that really sounds fabulous with the word "shopping," and Tuesday had nothing else going for it. With a new year, and a new focus, I am making Shopping Tuesday my new cause, my raison d'etre. After all, why should Saturday have all the fun?

Please help me spread the word about this important cause. With your help and your participation, and especially your credit cards, we can help revitalize the nation's economy while simultaneously making our own wardrobes sooooo much cuter. It's totally win-win!

So, in honor of the first ever Shopping Tuesday, I went on a small spree, and here is what I bought:

1. Anda & Masha Anita Hat in Black, $297: So glamorous in a Studio 54 kind of way!

2. Chris Benz Evelyn Long Dress, $1395: The color makes this really special.

3. Apepazza Gaia Wedges in Cranberry, $129: Soooo pretty, and they're such a steal!

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